Team Development for an enhanced Team Performance

Experience it

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Believe it

Love it

Apply it

Live it

Inspire it

Experiential workshops are crucial for team development, offering immersive learning that enhances team dynamics. These workshops involve hands-on activities, simulating real-world challenges that require collaboration, effective communication, and strategic thinking. Through active participation, team members better understand their roles, strengths, and areas for improvement, fostering mutual respect and trust.

These shared experiences break down silos and encourage open dialogue, essential for effective teamwork. In a controlled environment, individuals practice collaborative strategy and problem-solving skills, directly transferable to their work. Moreover, these workshops boost morale and team spirit as members achieve common goals and celebrate successes together.

Beyond skill-building, experiential workshops create a supportive atmosphere where creativity and innovation thrive. Teams engaging in such activities regularly are more cohesive, adaptable, and resilient, ready to tackle any challenges. In essence, experiential workshops nurture a strong, dynamic team capable of achieving exceptional results.

Discover some of our clients favourite Tools and Workshops

Belbin® Team Roles

The term team roles refers to how individuals behave, participate, and interact with co-workers. It’s important to distinguish between an individual’s team role and their functional role, which involves their technical skills and operational knowledge. In each team, some individuals assume specific roles, such as plant, coordinator, or expert (the 9 roles). The balance between these roles significantly impacts the team’s effectiveness.

Objective: To enable each member to become aware of their potential role within a team when managing a collective project and to put their specific skills into practice during the workshop.

Tools: Completing a confidential and individual report 12 to 15 days prior to the team building. Explanations on the “9 roles“ and interactive discussions on how to put into practice their specific and complementary skills for the advancement of the entire team.

Find out more about Belbin® Team Roles

Module 1

Building teams

Module 1 is designed for teams that are new, teams that have recently experienced change, or teams in need of re-energizing the team spirit.

During this one-day module, we focus on effective communication, team-roles and working towards a common goal.

Throughout the day, the participants will enjoy several experiential activities, accessible for all, followed by debriefs for a 360° feedback. To understand the collective intelligence within the team and discuss an action plan, we propose an indoor conversational workshop.

Learning objectives

  • Strengthening work relationships between team members
  • Improve communication between colleagues and separate teams
  • Build trust and respect on a vertical as a horizontal level
  • Enhance and implement interpersonal skills


  • Highly interactive, fun and meaningful activities designed to improve the mutual appreciation and collaboration within your team.
  • Linking discussions and activities to real-life work-related situations allowing your team to find pragmatic and tangible solutions immediately.
  • Experiential learning through fun and dynamic activities, accessible for all
  • Collective intelligence and indoor workshops
  • Constructive debriefs

Module 2

Changing working cultures

Module 2 is designed for teams that are established, having a good level of teamwork, and in need of fine-tuning their overall team performance.

During this one to two-day module, we focus on self-awareness, team behaviors, leadership, strategy building and problem solving.

Throughout the day, the participants will enjoy several experiential activities, accessible for all, followed by debriefs for a 360° feedback. For more impact and long-lasting results, we encourage that the team takes the online Belbin® Team Roles assessment and workshop before the experiential day.

Learning objectives

  • Encourage autonomy and openness within the team
  • Understand strength and weaknesses of yourself and your team
  • Integrate a new way of dividing tasks and roles
  • Learn what drives your colleagues and how to enhance feedback skills


  • Highly interactive, fun and meaningful activities designed to improve the mutual appreciation and collaboration within your team.
  • Linking discussions and activities to real-life work-related situations allowing your team to find pragmatic and tangible solutions immediately.
  • Experiential learning through fun and dynamic activities, accessible for all
  • Collective intelligence and indoor workshops
  • Belbin ® Team Roles assessment, workshop and one-on-one coaching

Module 3

(Team) Leadership and Followership

Module 3 is designed for managers and team leaders who like to explore and develop their own leadership model through self-awareness and self-consciousness.

Over the course of 2 to 3 days, the participants will experience the impact of leadership on oneself, team members and the group. Experimenting and exploring different postures through role-play, coaching and experiential activities helps you find your own leadership model.

The coaching and facilitation tools are designed to take you into a space where you can step back and reflect on your behaviours and ways of interacting when your leadership is called upon.

Learning objectives

  • Experience the impact of leadership on yourself, your team and society
  • Discover and explore your own leadership model
  • Experience transformation and evolution of oneself and others
  • Move from conflict to appreciation into action


  • Highly interactive, fun and meaningful activities designed to improve the mutual appreciation and collaboration within your team.
  • Linking discussions and activities to real-life work-related situations allowing your team to find pragmatic and tangible solutions immediately.
  • Experiential learning through fun and dynamic activities
  • Coaching, collective intelligence, role-play and indoor workshops
  • Belbin ® Team Roles assessment, workshop and one-on-one coaching

Belbin Chalenge

Appreciate and enhance team behaviours

During this 1.5-day training, you will understand the importance of dividing tasks according to their best-suited team role.

Carefully developed activities will help to experience, detect and develop multiple team-roles. Through sharing and discussions, the team can then fine-tune and discover the best role distribution for an efficient team. Working in a role that comes naturally builds motivation, engagement and a better flow of communication. Knowing who is doing WHAT and WHEN, helps enhancing the overall team efficiency.

(Also available with DISC)

Learning objectives

  • Enhance team(role) efficiency and performance
  • Understand the natural strengths and weaknesses of yourself and others
  • Experience thought through task division
  • Become a happier and effective team


  • Highly interactive, fun and meaningful activities designed to improve the mutual appreciation and collaboration within your team.
  • Linking discussions and activities to real-life work-related situations allowing your team to find pragmatic and tangible solutions immediately.
  • Experiential learning through fun and dynamic activities
  • Coaching, collective intelligence, role-play and indoor workshops
  • Belbin ® Team Roles assessment, workshop and one-on-one coaching